
In English now

Eric Novello criou um novo espaço para a divulgação e o debate de ideias, desta vez, aproveitando uma outra faceta de suas atividades, ele que é tradutor, além de escritor, copidesque, roteirista e etcetera, o fez em inglês. Exorcisms After Midnight é o nome do novo blog sob seus cuidados. Tive o prazer de ser traduzido lá, naquela entrevista com Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro, a respeito da coletânea Vaporpunk, publicada neste blog. Para conferir o resultado da versão anglófona, clique aqui. Abaixo, uma amostra:

RM: Vaporpunk Will be the second steampunk collection to be published on Brasil in a period of one year. Does this surprise you, this sudden interest of Brazilian writers, publishers and – so we hope – readers in the genre? Do you think Steampunk has the strength to fight against vampire literature as a national preference?

GL-R: These two anthologies actually stem from the same idea. Due to conflicting philosophies about the best way to edit a steampunk anthology, I decided to go my own way and Tarja followed another. As for the positive moment for steampunk in Brazil, I would say that it’s about time, as this is an instigating subgenre with various interesting themes to offer to readers. Lastly, unfortunately I don’t believe that steampunk or any other science fiction or alternative timeline subgenre has the power to encroach on the vampire literature territory.

Outro post recente daquele blog que vou destacar é a nota a respeito do Café a Vapor,organizado no final da semana passada pelos meus vizinhos paranaenses:

Part of the steampunk fun in Brazil comes from the Steampunk Councils, the main gear behind the steam engine. Divided by states, they organize events, promote literature and the steampunk culture as a whole, always dressed for the occasion. On 24th July, 2010 the First Steampunk Event of Paraná was held on Sebo e Eventos Arcadia. Winter is cold as hell this year, so the steamers were able to set up a fireplace, offer hot beverages in a customized mug and dance numbers. You can see more pictures at Steampunk Council of Paraná’s website. I’ll try to keep pace with the events, posting about them here on Exorcisms After Midinight.

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